I know its almost been a month since Cambria's birthday but better late then never. Lucky for her she didn't have school on her birthday. So we let her pick where she wanted to eat and she picked Chuck E Cheese. The kids had a lot of fun playing the games.

I'm sad to say that the price for prizes has gone up. You don't get much for a ticket. We had close to 500 tickets and got a couple of suckers, a plastic spider, and a silly straw (which, by the way, melts when you put it in the dishwasher)
Then we went home and enjoyed some yummy birthday cake. (Made and decorated by Robbie)
That same week Cambria also graduated from PreSchool. The school had made these flyers to give out to people we wanted to invite. It was going to be on a Saturday from 10-12. I thought about inviting some family up , watch Cambria's little program and making a fun weekend out of it but never got around to. It started off with the kids walking from the back of the room to the front, singing three songs, then they got their diplomas and then her teacher got up and said thanks for coming and enjoy some refreshment. I asked Robbie what time it was and he said 10:15. The whole thing lasted 15 minutes! So I'm glad I didn't make a big deal about and make a bunch of people drive over 300 miles for 15 minutes.

At least we got to keep the cap and gown.