After our trip to Ruidoso I had two days to get laundry done and repack for our trip to Disneyland. I spent Thursday taking Samuel to the doctor for an ear infection and Friday taking Hayden to the doctor for an ear infection. It was hectic but we were able to get ready and leave on Saturday. We stayed in Kingman, AZ on the way there and on the way back.
This is the view from our hotel room. It was very nice to stay so close to the parks. When the kids started to get tired or have a melt down we just walked back to the room. There was a channel on the TV that played Princess Bedtime Stories. Each night a different Princess would tell her story. And every night there was a turn down service, the maids would put the kids stuffed animals in their beds and leave chocolate coins. Cambria thought it was a chocolate fairy leaving the coins.
While we were in Kingman, Cambria fell down in a parking lot and scraped her knee pretty bad and then Sunday night while she was playing in a little play area at California Adventure she tripped and hit her head on a pole and scraped her knee again so she has this big bandage on her knee in most of the pictures. Our first day at Disney we went to ToonTown. The kids were very excited about meet all the characters but when they finally got to meet them they wouldn't talk to them. Hayden only went up to Goofy and refused to go see anyone else. Cambria would go up to them but when they would ask her her name she would just shrug her shoulders. Hayden liked Minnie's house because her fridge was full of his favorite food...cheese. As soon as we got into Disneyland the kids started begging us to take them on a rollercoaster so we took them on the one in ToonTown. I took Hayden and Robbie took Cambria. There are no pictures of me and Hayden because we went by too fast. I asked Hayden if he liked the ride, he shook his head yes, so I asked him if he wanted to go again and he shook his head no. If you look close at the picture of Cambria and Robbie you can see the look of terror on her face. Needless to say they did not enjoy the rollercoaster. So after that we stuck to the calmer rides. Their favorite was It's a Small World. I think we rode it 7 or 8 times. I think I finally got the song out of my head! That's all for now, I'll post more about our trip later.