Sunday, December 14, 2008

Kids Say the Darnedest Things

I haven't been able to do much with my blog because this is what happens at my house when I'm not watching the kids

I thought I would write about some of the cute things the kids have said. One day Cambria was holding Samuel and said "When Samuel grows up to be a Daddy, I'm going to marry him because I love him." That was a fun conversation trying to explain to her why she couldn't marry her brother.

After Cambria saw the Garcia boys eatting a popcile, she wanted one. After she took one lick she handed it back to me and said "Its too cold can you warm it up for me?"

I was giving Hayden a bath and he wanted to climb out by himself. He stood there with the water dripping off him as I grabed a towel and said "Hurry, Mommy, I'm starting to melt."


The Closet Crafter said...

Yeah! I love the funny things kids say. And the pictures of the kids on the sidebar are great!

Scott said...

Ha, ha! Too funny. I'm glad I got to see you guys while you were down here.